The Elegant Clearing Process

How to CLEAR limiting beliefs so you elegantly ascend into the next evolution of your Soul.

It takes a very special woman to get here. She is a woman who has committed to coming back HOME to her Divinity.

To return HOME so that she can enjoy this life experience SO fully that her heart feels as if it is overflowing with

But also, so that she can expand the Divine’s LOVE in the world.  So she can leave her “mark”.  The mark she vowed to make before she entered her physical body.

You are here. 

And you are being offered the opportunity to clear away all the “LIFE” stuff that no longer serves you. That never served you, actually, but that you received from a variety of experiences and adopted as truth.

Your soul knows that it’s time to CLEAN your energy field so that you clear up anything that is blocking, hiding or constricting Divine Love & Flow.

Your soul knows it’s time for you to BE Love, Light and Peace.
So that you can spread this to everyone around you and help raise the collective consciousness of the planet.

You are ready.

And I honour you so deeply for committing to this path.

In 2011 I was downloaded a highly effective Clearing Processes.
The first time I tried it, not really understanding it and not fully trusting it, I manifested something so special and so profound within 30 minutes of doing the process.

I was in total shock!

“Holy shit!” I said out loud. (I share all about this miracle in The Elegant Clearing Process™ Program) I didn’t know what to do with myself! Because of this, my trust in it increased and made me want to try it again.

WHOAH! Another big miracle! What is going on???? Could this even be possible? I used it again and again.  I even taught it to other people so they could try and see if it worked for them…and it DID!

The important thing to remember is that I was ready to learn that Clearing Process. I had learned and embodied the foundational principles of HOW this Elegant Universe works.

And now … so have you.

Your life experience and The Art of Living Elegantly have prepared you to learn this and really “get” it.
Now, I invite you to step even more fully into the next evolution of your soul.

Simply click on the BUTTON below and you will receive this training immediately in your inbox.
Welcome HOME to the LOVE & LIGHT that you really are.

With all my LOVE,

Before working with Erin and learning the Energy Clearing technique, I had been trying to sell our house for 7 months. After using the Elegant Clearing Process, I immediately got multiply offers and sold the house within 3 weeks!

Thank you, Erin! Clearing and Manifesting never been easier and
more elegant!

Melinda Ballas

Wow,  Erin. This Elegant Clearing Course was really, really great. One of  your best! I have used it every day with great success and so have my  children. It’s just beautiful how easy it is and how effective it is.  Thank you so much.

Tamara, Canada

Hi  Erin! So many wonderful changes are happening in my life, and so much  is flowing my way that I can barely even believe it! From small  manifestations to sparks of inspiration to synchronicities, life is  becoming so amazing! Thank you for the elegant processes. I do the  elegant process you taught me every day and I really love it! It’s  turned around my attitude in life, and I’m feeling more empowered and  connected on a daily basis.

Sophia, New York, USA